Zombie Lucky Hand of Fate Voodoo Amulet This Amulet is from my associate, P. Jean, a Haitian Vodou Huongan Asogwe (High Priest) who resides in Louisiana. He does not practice the commercialized “Voodoo” that so many see when visiting the Bayou, rather, he is head of an Underground Society which practices Voodoo based on the Secret teachings of Marie Laveau’s personal invocations and rites, with roots in Haitian and African Magick. Utilizing the Secret Haitian Voodoo doctrines, it takes High Priest P.Jean several days & nights of fasting and entering a Voodoo trance to open the Gates to the Spirit World and become one with Lwa. There are offerings of food & drink, accompanied by a Sacred Voodoo Skeleton dance to the sound of heavy drums, which induces an altered state of consciousness in the High Priest. This is some of the Best Voodoo available, so do not welcome this item if you don’t want positive changes in your Life! The Zombie Hand of Fate Amulet was spellcast with hundreds of Powerful Voodoo Spells to bring you the following: fast luck, protection against all evil & harm, job satisfaction, win battles, defeat your competition, destroy jinx & curses, bring peace to you and your family, protection on journeys, healing, fame & power, mind manipulation, master situations, incite lust, good fortune and improving gambling luck. The Zombie Hand of Fate can change the course of future events so they are in your favor. It places you in the right place at the right time so you can reap all of the benefits. It can find you the love of your life and bring him/her directly to you. There is no formal ritual required, it will automatically take inventory of your Aura and begin bringing you the blessings of your heart’s desire. It works as a wish-granting amulet, so instruct the Zombie Hand of Fate to do your bidding! Your purchase is for 1 Zombie Hand of Fate composed of lightweight brass-colored base metal, measures about 1 ½” long and comes with a tied black leather Recharging Cord. Does not have to be worn to work. You can also carry with you or keep in a special place. This awesome Magickal is sure to be one of your most treasured! All information will be included in your shipment.
Zombie Lucky Hand of Fate Voodoo Spellcast Amulet
$49.99 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price