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Spellcast Magick Spider Charm Strength Rebuild
Mystery . . . Personal Power . . . Strength

Utilizing the Ancient Celtic teachings of my Ancestors, I have summoned the Power of the Spider into this charming amulet, as well as Spellcast it with a plethora of Powerful Spells to enhance your Life.

Spider is a Primordial Spiritual Energy and awakens these types of latent energies deep within your soul. If you want to connect with your past lives, work with this Spider Totem. They teach you that past, present and future are all interwoven like a web, which allows you to reach a deep Spiritual connectedness with the Universe. Most Spiders have eight legs; the number eight being the symbol of infinity which involves cycles, passage of time, and evolution. This connects you with being an infinite Spiritual being, providing you the strength, courage and passion to live life to the fullest and helping you continue to learn and grow on your journey.

Pay attention to your time and how you are spending it ~ is it slipping away too fast or going to slow? Spider is telling you it is time to refocus your energy. The number 8 also means you need to pay attention to signs or symbols in regards to this number for hidden meanings and messages.

Do you feel trapped in current negative energy or distressing chaotic situations? Your Spirit Spider will help you break free and weave your own personal power web. You can rebuild and start anew again, weaving your web of success even stronger than before. Your own power web will capture all of your dreams and desires, allowing them to manifest for you.
This captivating Magick Charm is unlike any other. It has been blessed and Full Moon Spellcast with the Following Spells: Strength, Beauty, Allure, Sex Appeal, Confidence, Wealth Magnet, Protection, Psychic Enhancement, Enthusiasm and Dynamic Energy. Wake each day beaming with Confidence and ready to take on the World. Wherever you go, people will take notice and find you attractive, confident and filled with allure and mystery. They will see your strengths and provide you with respect and adoration.
You will find yourself feeling very uplifted and smiling with happiness. If you need assistance in illuminating your path to success, be it at relationships, career or any aspect of your life, get ready for a life-changing experience once you welcome this incredible Magick Spider.
Your purchase is for 1 Magick Spellcast Spider Charm composed of solid .925 sterling silver, measuring about ½” in length, with a sterling silver Recharging Chain. Choose your chain size from the drop down menu.  Wear, carry with you or simply keep or hang in special place.

All information will be included in your shipment.

Spellcast Magick Spider Charm Strength Rebuild

$69.99 Regular Price
$49.00Sale Price

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