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Illuminati Lavish Riches Wealth Manifestation Pillar Candle
IlluminatiLavish RichesWealthManifestation Candle  This Candle was Spellcast utilizing Powerful Illuminati Wealth Spells! These Spells tap into the Universal vibrational energies of abundance, which create a seamless and endless route for Money, Riches & Wealth to flow directly to you!  Once lit, this Candle will personally align with your Energies and provide you advanced opportunities for money to come more easily into your life. This could happen in any number of ways; raises/promotions, better career, financial gifts, lottery/gambling wins, finding random money, unexpected rebates/sales/checks in the mail, etc. The Universe is Vast and a majority of the Money Energies are aligned with the Illuminati ~ lighting this Candle forms an invisible spiritual grid that connects you with these special money drawing energies!  Utilize this Magick Candle for All matters relating to Money ~ heal what’s been holding you back, expand your career or business and break free of financial burdens! Use it as an aide to get you to a positive money place and back on the right financial track. These Candles are colored Green to attract Money, Prosperity, Good Luck, Business Success & Abundance into your life. Mentally imbue your financial wishes into the candle before you light the flame and focus on seeing them manifest in your Life. Keep a positive attitude and your wishes will easily manifest into reality! You can also imbue any negative Financial worries into the candle for resolution and healing. Obstacles impeding you to reach financial bliss will be destroyed. It will also banish all negative vibes you may have in your Life right now or immediate Aura or Energy Field regarding money.  Best when use during the New/Dark Moon to increase your Wealth Blessings! You can use with any of your other Wealth-drawing tools, incorporate into your Rituals, or with intent and imbue your Wealth desires into the Candle or do nothing and the Candle will automatically align with your personal Aura and energies and bring you wealth & riches.  Your purchase is for 1 Illuminati Lavish Riches and Wealth Manifestation beeswax pillar candle, rolled in special wealth-drawing herbs and fairy dust, with a metal lucky 4 leaf clover charm you can place anywhere you wish to draw wealth. * (Remove ribbon, label and charm before burning candle).Thank you & abundant blessings!

Illuminati Lavish Riches Wealth Manifestation Pillar Candle

$39.99 Regular Price
$28.00Sale Price

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