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Goddess Brigid Sacred Flame Carnelian Bracelet
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  The Goddess Brigid

  Utilizing the Ancient Secret Magickal Celtic teachings of my Ancestors, this Beautiful bracelet was Spellcast to align you with the Celtic Goddess Brigid.

Brigid (Brigit, Bridget or Brighid) is a Celtic Triple-Goddess specializing in the Ultimate in Protection against all evils and negative energies. She is known as “the bright one,” “the bright arrow,” or “the powerful one.” She is the patron of poets, healers and magicians and has the gifts of prophecy and divination.

She has the ability to bestow you with wisdom, poetic eloquence, healing ability, druidic knowledge and creative skills. She will help you in ending harmful additions, weight loss, increasing beauty, Spirit communication and enhancing your psychic abilities.  In Ancient Ireland, Brigid had a shrine erected in her honor where women tended to a flame that burned continually. Since she is associated with fire, you may feel warm when she is near. The lighting of fires in her honor represents the return of warmth and the increasing power of the sun.  You can honor and benefit from Brigid all year long, but her spcial day of celebration is February 2nd, so honor her on this day especially .

Brigid’s presence signifies the strength of women through the flame that burns steadily throughout the deep winter, no matter how dark and cold the world. She will resurrect your inner strength and give you the power to reach for the stars! Her Energy will encourage inner transformation & rebirth, inspiration and creativity.

Composed of carnelian gems on elastic cord, this bracelet will stretch to fit most wrists but works best on smaller sized wrists.  I only have 2 bracelets left; both of which are featured in the listing photos.  I chose Carnelian not only for its beautiful color, but for its natural metaphysical properties! A sacred stone of the Egyptians, Carnelian is a Power Stone! It is a stone of ambition and drive and is very helpful in making choices and decisions. Carnelian is the most powerful action stone for focusing, realization and self-actualization. It also reminds you to be "in the moment”. It activates the lower chakras and helps you to take action. It brings energy and fire, enhancing physical energy and personal power and invoking joy, laughter and warmth as it opens the heart. It increases physical energy, personal power, confidence, motivation, passion, sexual stamina, assertiveness, outgoingness, emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, curiosity, inquisitiveness, compassion, individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, action, happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall.

Goddess Brigid Sacred Flame Carnelian Bracelet

$39.99 Regular Price
$28.00Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax

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