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Dullahan Irish Headless Horseman Black Magick Ring

This fascinating entity was invoked utilizing Ancient Irish Black Magick by the secret underground cabal of the Black Preceptory of the Luciferian Solar Brotherhood. This Exclusive dark Illuminati Society is a lineal descendant of the Illuminati founder, Adam Weisshaupt. They have had a profound influence in the World on a Global scale, making those who welcome their items rich and powerful. They summon only the strongest Black Magick Irish Spirits and amazing, results-producing Spells.


During several cloak and dagger ceremonies, and utilizing Sacred Irish Luciferian invocations, they summoned this amazing Evil Dullahan, also known as the Headless Horseman. This a fierce and terrifying nocturnal Ghoul that is active all year, but peaks the night of Samhain (Halloween). The Dullahan rides a black horse with red eyes and carries his head under one arm. On the search for your enemies, the Dullahan canvasses the Globe, and when he stops on their doorstep, impending doom ensues. He is a Spirit of revenge and retribution from injustices, and will bring due process towards anyone that has harmed you in the past, or currently harming you today. He knows firsthand that there are bad people that take great pleasure in harming others or keeping them under their thumb, abuse their power and make others miserable just because they can. As the beheaded equestrian, he will make your enemies suffer through a swift detachment/separation: between their job and wealth, between their love and loved ones, between them and anything that brings them joy. They won’t know what happened as they will become discombobulated, and their world gets turned upside down. He can reverse curses/hexes and demons, or other dark entities others are trying to use to stop or block you from reaching your goals. He brings strong protection over you and your home, making sure nothing will harm you.


He also brings you powerful good luck and fortunes. He is an incredible ally and one you don’t want to be without! It is possible to experience paranormal activity with this ring; such as: seeing orbs, mists, odd light phenomenon, the ring glowing or levitating, cold temperature drops, hearing a horse galloping or whinny/snort, seeing black shadows, or feeling goosebumps/electrical-static type sensations. You may or may not experience this activity. He can be welcomed into a home with others, they won’t even know he’s there.


Your purchase is for 1 Dullahan Headless Horseman housed in this bewitching ring, that features bones and a hand holding his skull, set in stainless steel. Choose your size from the drop-down menu. Does not have to be worn to benefit. No formal ritual required, he is active and ready to work for you.


All information will be included in your shipment.

Dullahan Irish Headless Horseman Black Magick Ring

$106.66 Regular Price
$74.67Sale Price

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