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Adopt a Werepup Orphaned Baby Werewolf Figure
Utilizing the Ancient Magick teachings of my Ancestors, I am honored to bring you these adorable Werepups! These tiny baby Werewolves need good homes!
These Werepups are all very playful and full of vitality! They want nothing more than to please you. They are extremely kind-hearted, obedient and adaptable, not to mention, sociable, affectionate and loyal. They have a very keen sense of smell and a very strong intuition. Their fur has the same coloring as their figure vessel. These little sweeties do not enjoy being solitary. Their very nature requires close contact with at least one human, a family pet or even another friendly Spirit.
These Werepups hold their tails high, follow their companions around, love attention and show affection by licking or nudging. They will also be practicing their shape-shifting skills and you might notice extra activity during the nights of the full moon. You might hear howling, scratching or any number of phenomenon. Your Werepup is an innately Magickal being and he will bestow you with gifts of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairscentience, ESP, OBE’s, Past Life Work, Animal Magick & Communication, Telepathy, 3rd Eye Clarity, Psychometry, and Afterlife Communication, just to name a few.
This is a delightful Spirit that will bless your life in so many ways!

They will never bring harm to you or your loved ones. Your Werewolf is an Interactive Spirit and will speak with you via mental telepathy, visions & dreams. You can also utilize him while doing pendulum work, reading cards or performing your own Magick Rituals & Spells.

Your purchase is for 1 Sladki Bulgarian Werepup housed in this enchanting carved gemstone figure that measures about 1.25” tall. They are all males and are all unnamed, so choose a special name for your new friend! If you desire a certain color, just email us.
You need no special abilities to own one of these Werepups. They are meant for the Person that feels inexplicably drawn to them. He may even visit you and/or give you signs, so if you feel called, do not hesitate in welcoming one!
All pertinent information will be included in your shipment.

Adopt a Werepup Orphaned Baby Werewolf Figure

$69.99 Regular Price
$49.00Sale Price

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